We See What’s Great in You

Discover the school that gets you, so you get more out of it.

We See What Others Can’t

So you’ll do things you’ve never done.

Because of our size (we’re proudly Virginia’s smallest military school) and our commitment to every cadet, you can’t hide here. You can’t
BS your ways through things. And you can’t slip under the radar. So
you’ll leave here knowing yourself better, liking yourself more, and
prepared to excel at whatever you choose to do

Smaller classes. Bigger success.

When academics matter, you learn more than facts.

While too many schools teach to the test, we prepare you for the biggest test of all: Your life. Not only will our small classes make sure you acquire the knowledge you need for the future you want. But our hyper-personalized teaching will also help you discover your strengths, get a glimpse of your dreams and move forward with confidence.

Our JROTC Honor Unit With Distinction opens more doors.

We have a direct line to the Service Academies.

Only a handful of military schools offer a JROTC Honor Unit with Distinction. But Fishburne is proud to be one of them. That means we’re one of the few military schools in America that can nominate select cadets directly to the United States Service Academies. And that means this is your best choice if your goal is attending a Service Academy.

Fishburne at a glance

    No sitting on the sidelines. Cadets can play whatever sport desired.

    Smaller classes allow cadets to have the opportunity to actually do the work rather than just learn about it.

    More feedback from instructors results in a better, more effective learning experience.

    There is more incentive to pay attention and become involved in a small class, because it is obvious when they don’t.


    We offer young men from across the world a structured, safe environment that strongly encourages honor, integrity, and respect for everyone.

    Fishburne features small classes where students from all cultures, exchange ideas and benefit from Fishburne’s focus on academics.

    We understand the challenges international students face and provide patient help to students.

    US Army's highest level of accreditation maintained for over 40 years.

    Fishburne has earned the US Army’s highest level of accreditation and is designated as a JROTC Honor Unit with Distinction, which makes us one of the few school that can nominate qualified candidates directly to the United States Service Academies.

    We also host one of only four Summer JROTC programs in the nation, accredited by US Army Cadet Command.


    We have a 100% college acceptance rate of the Cadets who apply to college.

    We also have the know-how to get boys into highly competitive (like, Ivy League competitive) apprentice schools, too.

    An opportunity school.

    We pride ourselves by offering an individualized style of learning and education for each Cadet.

    Fishburne wants to help you build a skillset that will prepare you for the future you desire. Just because we are a Military school doesn’t mean our graduates always join the Military. From partnership programs, to taking college classes, or getting extra tutoring on classes that may be more challenging, our faculty and staff are here for you.

A New Brand for Fishburne

800 lbs = 6000 meals Cadets helping our local community

Hall of Fame Inductee, Wrestling Coach Terry Waters

Alumni Matthew Farrar is building ships

See what’s great in us.

It takes a different kind of school to make a difference in your life.
  • Boarding cadets are asked to return to campus by 6pm Tuesday

    The campus has gotten about 4-6 inches of snow and little to no ice as of noon today. The forecast calls for some additional snow before midnight tonight before the winter storm warning ends, We seem to have gotten most of what will fall. The 24 young men on campus have been enjoying the snow. Boarding cadets are asked to return to campus by 6pm Tuesday. There will be no classes on Tuesday, however, all cadets are directed to check their email and online classroom spaces for assignments. Teachers will be issuing assignments due for Wednesday. Day cadets are not required to be on campus Tuesday. Cadets on campus will have scheduled duties and free-time in the morning on Tuesday followed by in-room study hours after lunch. Coaches will be holding practices for those cadets on campus from 4-6pm. Fishburne anticipates returning to its normal school schedule on Wednesday 8 January, but will communicate further as events warrant. FMS is committed to safe operations and parents remain the final authority on whether it is safe to transport their cadets to school. Boarding parents unable to return their cadets to campus by 6pm on Tuesday are asked to communicate their updated plans to Kathy Berrang (kberrang@391774.com) and the TAC Office (toffice@391774.com). Parents of day cadets, please communicate to the TAC Office if your cadet will be unable to return to classes on Wednesday. Fishburne values instructional time and hopes to have all cadets in place for normal instruction beginning Wednesday morning. I hope many of you have been able to enjoy the snow day and wish everyone a safe return to campus. -COL Brown

  • We are now accepting admissions!

    Fishburne Middle School

    Fishburne Middle School is an all-boys day school for grades 6 and 7 (separate from the Corps of Cadets) for the 2024-2025 school year. Contact our admissions office for more information.

  • His smile says it all

    Summer Program

    Our summer program gives each boy the opportunity to try something new every day both inside the classroom and out on amazing outdoor adventures. Learn more about the Summer Program today.

  • Small Town Vibe

    A school community that is the right fit

    Our size works well for the Cadets, their families, and us. The campus is informal and its physical space and small town location are a point of difference with other much larger schools that are located in sparse rural areas.
    Photo courtesy Visit Waynesboro

  • Technology/Academics/Study

    Every Cadet receives a Google Chromebook

    On their first day at Fishburne, Cadets will each be issued a Chromebook to complete homework, communicate with teachers, and study. We provide technology and academic platforms to help prepare our Cadets for success.


Easier than ever application.

Faster than ever feedback.


icon adm yount

Sometimes the hardest part of applying is the waiting. And waiting. But not a Fishburne. We’ve made our application process fast, friendly and easy — plus we promise to get back to you in just five days. So don’t wait…your future is closer than you think. Submit an admission inquiry form.

  • Cover of Summer Quadrangle Magazine
    Summer 2024

    The Quadrangle Magazine

  • Spring 2024

    The SENTRY Newsletter – Spring 2024

  • Winter 2024

    The Quadrangle Magazine Winter 2024

    Official Magazine of FMS
  • 2022-2023

    The Annual Report

    We See What's Great in You - Read More
  • Official Magazine of FMS

    The Quadrangle Magazine – Summer 2023

    Summer 2023


“We See What’s Great In You”